Man Wakes to Noise at Night and Sees Something Strange by His Dog’s Water Bowl


ByDogHeirs Team

When Lacy’s human, David, awoke to a noise coming from the bathroom, he went to investigate and was alarmed by what he saw.

A dark shape was lurking at his dog’s water dish making a lot of noise. It couldn’t be Lacy, as the shape in the dark was brown and long and she was white and small.

Nervously, David switched on the lights to take a closer look only to see that the scary, odd shape was a blanket.

“I looked and saw a blanket that was making slurping noises at Lacy’s dish,” he tweeted his daughter, Sarah.


He quickly put two and two together and realized the strange creature was Lacy shrouded under the blanket.

“Lacy had been sleeping with blanket as cover,” he continued to explain to Sarah. “When she got up to drink the blanket stayed on like a robe.”

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