Previously Blind And Stray Cocker Spaniel Sees Her Owners For The Very First Time After Surgery



August 16, 2017  Pets

This is the adorable moment a previously blind and stray Cocker Spaniel sees her owners for the very first time thanks to some much-needed surgery.

Olive’s human, Holly Emmerson, shared a video of her excitement and anticipation on her way to meet Olive after her eye operation. Holly and her husband Bart didn’t know what to expect, being it would be the first time Olive could see in three years.

Olive was rescued as a stray off the streets of Los Angeles. She couldn’t see because of severe cataracts in both eyes. But raising money for her surgery took some time, but with the help of West Coast Cocker Rescue, and friends and family, Holly and Bart were able to raise the money for the dog’s surgery.

The moment Olive rounds the corner of the veterinary clinic with her Elizabethan cone on, you can see Olive instantly lock on to their faces, and her tail begins to wag furiously. But Olive’s new-found vision quickly shifts to her surrounds as she takes in all the sights for the very first time. Then, they’re off for a walk and playtime, made all the more special in that Olive can see everything clearly around her!

Holly later said of the moment: “It was such an incredible moment to witness, seeing her that alert and looking us in the eyes.”

Share this heartwarming video with your friends and family!

Olive’s reaction reminds me of Duffy the Irish Terrier’s. He had a similar operation that restored his sight and he and his family shared a touching moment just after his surgery. Watch it here.

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