Amazing Friendship Between Dog and Elephant Continues to Inspire


  November 24, 2018

Bella and Tarra had an amazing interspecies friendship that lasted 8 years. Tarra the elephant became best friends with Bella the dog at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee over a decade ago. Bella wandered onto the 2700-acre sanctuary as a stray and called it home.

“Bella lived on her own as a stray in the Sanctuary area for who knows how long before she and Tarra found one another,” wrote the Elephant Sanctuary on their YouTube channel.

One day Bella met Tarra and the rest was history. The pair became inseparable. They played together, ate together and often slept in the same barn.

According to the Sanctuary, Bella trusted the 8,700 pound Asian elephant so completely she let Tarra stroke her stomach with her foot and caress her with her trunk.

Bella gives Tarra a belly rub. Elephant Sanctuary/YouTube

In 2010, Bella suffered a severe spinal chord injury, most likely from an awkward twist while running or jumping. Bella couldn’t walk or even wag her tail. Tarra wouldn’t leave her friend’s side for the three weeks. The elephant stood right outside the sanctuary office where Bella was recovering.

“She just stood outside the balcony – just stood there and waited,” co-founder Carol Buckley told CBS. “She was concerned about her friend.”

Then one day, while Bella was recovering, sanctuary co-founder Scott Blais carried Bella onto the balcony so she and Tarra could see each other. “Bella’s tail started wagging. And we had no choice but bring Bella down to see Tarra,” Blais said.

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