How to Identify Canine Ear Conditions and Clean Your Dog’s Ears Effectively

   Dog CareGroomingHealth

Illnesses involving the ear represent one of the most common reasons that guardians take their dogs to veterinarians. Accordingly, cleaning your dog’s ears regularly is a key part in keeping your dog healthy. Canine ears that are well-looked after are clean, odor-free, pale pink in color and minimal accumulation of wax.

By checking your dog’s ears regularly, you are also more likely to notice if there are any problems your dog may have with his/her ears that may need attention.

Symptoms of Ear Conditions

Canine ears are susceptible to infection and inflammation from a number of different causes. The canine ear is made up of the external ear (externa), the middle ear (media) and the inner ear (interna). Each of these anatomical parts can become inflamed, irritated or infected, causing distinct symptoms which are referred to medically as “otitis” (e.g. otitis externa) which means inflammation of the ear.

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