While playing outside with one of her beloved humans, an overexcited Doberman named Fallon came running into the house, launched herself over the couch in an incredibly acrobatic backflip and landed on the glass coffee table on the other side. The table immediately shattered leaving Fallon with a tucked-in tail. Her canine siblings on the other side of the sofa immediately popped up and looked at her in absolute bewilderment.
Normally, Fallon just leaps over the couch into her nice comfy regular spot but she evidently in her excitement, she simply undershot her usual mark.
Our dog, Fallon, who just turned 2, is very athletic and has jumped over the back of the couch thousands of times to her spot…she was playing in the back yard and ran back in from outside, chasing my husband, Paul. She undershot her jump, flipping over backward and shattering the coffee table.Evidently, one of her humans had been out of town for a bit, so that added further to Fallon’s excitement.
I had been out of town a week (that’s me sitting on the couch) and she was just extra excited and energized. We have Canary cameras to keep an eye on the dogs, and that’s how this moment was captured.