Do Dogs Have Winter Blues or Suffer from SAD?
Data suggests that dogs and cats can suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Today my three dogs are lying around like lumps. They show little motivation to do anything, and Dancer, the oldest of the group (and the most predictable) even shows little enthusiasm when it comes to barking at the postman. My usually alert dog arrives at the door well after the mail has already been dropped into the box and the postman has already descended the stairs and is halfway back to the street. Even my grabbing the leashes and preparing for a walk doesn't seem to bring a lot of joy to my pets. Furthermore, other than sleeping for many more hours than is customary each day, the only thing that my dogs seem willing to do is to bump my leg with their noses and whimper—a sure sign that they are begging for a treat.As a psychologist, any changes in the usual behaviors of the people or pets that I live with attracts my attention. Thus it happened that while I was musing about the situation the answer appeared on the television. It actually came from the mouth of the local weatherman. He was complaining that in the last five weeks in the area where I live there had only been 28 hours of sunshine. Now if I were considering human behavior under similar environmental conditions I would probably be seriously considering the possibility of "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or SAD. You probably know of this as the "Winter Blues". It is a form of depression which millions of humans suffer from, especially in the winter months when there is little sunshine and the overall daytime light levels are low. In humans the symptoms include lethargy, depression, social withdrawal, fatigue and craving for comfort foods – exactly the same symptoms that I was seeing in my dogs.

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