Published by GeoBeats Animals
5th March 2025
The Kennel Club
Rescue dog's heartbreaking response to toy
Rescue dog's sweetest moves after adoption
Published by GeoBeats Animals
2nd March 2025
Dog's been 'dad' to 400 orphan pups
Published by GeoBeats Animals
28th February 2025
Meet the Man Who’s Fostered and Saved Over 40 Pitties | The Dodo
Published by The Dodo
28th February 2025
Dog hilariously tries to talk human
Published by GeoBeats Animals
24th February 2025
Beagle’s Clever Way to Steal Food From Kitchen Counter
June 12, 2020
Beagles have a reputation for loving food and for resorting to thievery to get it. To get to the tasty snacks beagles often employ their incredible knack for climbing.
This clever dog has figured out how to reach the kitchen counter to look for food. Her human wrote, “After noticing the chair being moved each time I return home from an outing, I decide to put on a ‘spy camera’ to find out who moved the chair….”
Stray Dog Who Lost Her Babies Has Her Heart Healed By Kittens
January 15, 2022
A dog named Milo was picked up as a stray near the border Arizona and Mexico by a Good Samaritan who brought her to Sunshine Dog Rescue. Although she was pregnant when rescued, Milo wasn’t expected to have the puppies for several weeks. But she went into labor early and sadly none of the pups survived birth.
Milo was heartbroken and confused, anxiously searching everywhere for her pups. That’s when rescuers reached out to see if there were any orphaned puppies in the area. There weren’t but there were three kittens….
4 Signs Your Pup Has Dog Depression—And What to Do About It
Published by Rebecca Libauskas.
Dogs can get depressed—just like you and me. But with a little insight and proactive care, you can help your animal companion bounce back to their tail-wagging self.
What Causes Dog Depression?
Dogs thrive on stability and routine. Major changes in their environment or daily life—such as moving to a new home, the arrival of a baby, or the loss of a companion—can deeply impact them. Even subtle shifts, like a new work schedule, can leave your pup feeling down.
Undiagnosed illnesses or chronic pain may take a toll on their well-being, leading to signs of depression. Past trauma or abuse can also leave lasting emotional scars.
As they age, dogs may face cognitive challenges that impact their mood and behavior. And dogs of all ages can become depressed due to isolation, whether due to long periods alone or a lack of meaningful interaction. Insufficient mental or physical stimulation—especially in high-energy animals—may lead to restlessness.
Dogs are also incredibly intuitive and often mirror the emotions of their humans. Your canine companion may pick up on it if you’re feeling grief or sadness.
Please continue reading from here.
Jack Russell Terrier Has An Unusual Friendship With Australian Magpie
January 8, 2016
When I first saw this Jack Russell with this bird I didn’t know what was going to happen! But it turns out Whiskey the dog and Sqwark the Australian Magpie are best friends and love to play together. In the video below they’re playing in the backyard and helping their human hang up the washing.
Share this cute video with your friends!
The Important Life Lessons That Dogs Teach Us
December 16, 2017
Dogs teach us so many important life lessons.
When humans bring a dog into their lives, they are most often looking for a companion; what they may not realize is that they are getting a teacher as well. Every single day, dogs teach us important lessons about life.
Dogs can’t speak our language, but we can all learn so much, if we all just pay attention.
Kevin Smith Shares Moving Tribute To His Dying, 17-Year-Old Dog
December 20, 2017
What Kevin Smith wrote here touched me to my core and brought tears to my eyes. Any dog lover will tell you a dog’s life is too short and that the pain of losing a beloved pet is almost unbearable. When the day comes to say goodbye it often helps to share the experience with others who have gone through the same pain.
Movie director Kevin Smith shared his thoughts and farewell to his beloved dog, Mulder. He posted a photo to Facebook of him cradling Mulder with the news that Mulder was dying.
He wrote:
“Dark day in our household: our oldest dog Mulder is dying. As I’ve spent the last year carrying him around like Hodor, I’m not taking this terribly well. They never tell you when you get a dog, but there is a price to pay for being the recipient of 17 years of unconditional love, loyalty and companionship: they take a huge chunk of your heart with them when they go. I’m reminded of a line from DOCTOR WHO, Series 2 – the “School Reunion” episode (which featured the return of Sara Jane Smith and the robot dog K-9, ironically enough): “You can spend the rest of your life with me… but I can’t spend the rest of my life with you.” And later, when Rose asks Sara Jane if she should go with the Doctor, Sara Jane responds “Some things are worth getting your heart broken for.” Mulder was beyond worth it. Fuck, this hurts…
A few hours later, Mulder passed away.
Kevin updated everyone and wrote:
1pm UPDATE: He’s gone. RIP Mulder, my Buddy-Man. Thank you for 17 years of sheer joy and affection. It took a dog like you to make me a better person.
If you’re a dog-owner, go hug your dog a little tighter tonight. If you’re not a dog-owner, think about becoming one. It’s all love.”
Good night sweet Mulder. Rest in Peace.
Make sure you share this with your friends who love dogs and remind them to take Kevin’s advice and hug your pet close to your heart as much as you can while they are with you.
Clever Pup Stages Great Escape from Kennel And It’s Genius
February 21, 2025
These pet parents thought they had securely contained their small dog within a large kennel fence, but their clever pup had other ideas. Instead, she devised an impressive escape plan that has to be seen to be believed.
Man Finds Badly Injured Fox By The Road And Takes Him Home As His Best Friend
February 11, 2014
A man became best friends with a fox after the sick animal was rescued from the side of a road.
The red fox was named Cropper and was rescued by The Fox Project in Turnbridge Wells in England. Seriously injured and ill with toxoplasmosis, he could not be returned to the wild. There were only two choices: euthanize him or find him a home.
The rescue opted to save him and Mike Trowler ended up giving Cropper a home. A retired engineer, Mike is fascinated by fox behavior and spends a great deal of time with them.
In addition to nursing injured foxes back to health, he also takes in orphaned fox cubs and raises them until they can be released back into the wild.
After he took in Cropper, Mike patiently nursed the fox back to health. Cropper would eat food from the dog’s dish and curl up with the cats and loved to spend time with Mike. The two would go for walks together and Mike would roll him over and give him belly rubs. This video tells the story of the pair’s loving friendship.
Foxes should not be kept as pets and the only reason Cropper and Jack could not be returned to the wild is that they would not have survived because of their health problems. Mike cautions that rescuing foxes takes a great deal of patience and understanding, and a strong awareness of fox behavior.
The Fox Project is a Wildlife Information Bureau and Fox Deterrence Consultancy that was established in 1991 in the UK. They added a Wildlife Hospital in 1993. They admit and treat around 700 foxes and 250 cubs annually.
Obese elderly shelter dog could barely walk. I took her home.
Published by GeoBeats Animals
17th February 2025